Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sylar Interrogation!!

By now you have all no doubt seen the infamous security tape!! If not, then you should have read my previous post. It's too risky to repost the link. I can't let them know about my plans!! I suspect they are trying to sabotage my efforts!!!

So, what does it mean? What's our next step? We need ideas people!! There is a truth to be found! And where there's truth, there's Spoon Fed!!

Think!! Stay alert!! Run!! Brainstorm! And think some more!! Post your ideas as comments so that we can decide what to make of this security tape! What is the password for? What could it be?

Monday, February 12, 2007

Primatech Security Tapes

I've found something!!'s password protected. I hacked the password hint and it was "Favorite Song". The username is "bennet"! Now we just need his favorite song!!

Here's the link to the site we need access to:

If you obtain the password, post it here so we can all get in!! Then, explore the security tapes. Note anything of interest! Report back here with your thoughts! We'll need to brainstorm to figure out what to make of the security tapes, what they mean and what our next step should be!!

Stay alert!! Run when chased!!!